

At JRF Chimney Specialists and Heating Distributors Ltd, we have been the sole Scottish agents for Monodraught Ltd for over a quarter of a century.

We believe the Monodraught’s SUNPIPE®, WINDCATCHER® and COOL-PHASE® product ranges are leaders in the market when it comes to quality, design and innovation which allows Monodraught to remain constantly at the forefront of this industry providing a natural approach to energy saving to allow improved air quality and light levels within any building.


Monodraught’s Sunpipe range is a natural lighting system which works by channelling natural daylight from roofs to interior environments. The Sunpipe creates a healthier and more cost-effective environment. Better yet, this system can be installed anywhere from residential home projects to commercial buildings and hospitals. Making these the perfect lighting solution for rooms that lack in windows or are poorly lit.


The Windcatcher is Monodraught’s Natural Ventilation system incorporating the benefits of both top-down and passive stack ventilation. The simple, but effective design of the Windcatcher delivers fresh air during daytime hours, while providing night-time cooling. The flexibility of the Windcatcher allows it to be installed almost anywhere.


Cool-phase is Monodraught’s award winning natural cooling system which creates a comfortable yet fresh indoor environment. It has been proven to help reduce the running costs of buildings by using the concept of a thermal battery to capture and store heat and cooling energy. The Cool-phase system observes indoor and outdoor temperatures and automatically ventilates the room using its intelligently controlled Air Handing Unit.

To find out more information about these products, please click on the below links to view the PDFs.

Monodraught Sunpipe Monodraught Windcatcher X-Air Monodraught Cool-Phase